Guaranteed Rate


Guaranteed Rate

Buying a home or refinancing your mortgage is easy with Guaranteed Rate, a residential mortgage company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois that’s funded over $120 billion in home loans since its inception in 2000.

©Guaranteed Rate


Historically low rates in 2020 and 2021 meant there was no better time to refinance your mortgage. I wrote these DRTV spots with the goal of encouraging homeowners to strike while the iron was hot and lower their monthly mortgage payments while rates were down.

Concepts and copy by me.


Social Media & Display

Guaranteed Rate wants to help people get into their dream homes by making home loans approachable and easy.

Whether buying your first home or third, there are a ton of benefits to homeownership, like extra space, more rooms for work and play, and the luxury of having your own garage and yard. Just to name a few.

I wrote these consumer direct social and display ads around this idea, pointing out the perks of homeownership and encouraging folks to mortgage with GR.

Concepts and copy by me.



GR’s Digital Mortgage is so easy, you can complete the entire application from your phone.

I led experimental creative work for social ads that departed from GR’s typical brand style, using fun, pithy language and directing design to use bright colors and stark, minimal visuals to get across the simplicity of their online mortgage process.

The goal was to test new copy styles and animation against traditional lifestyle ads—and the new ads outperformed with 4x the amount of clickthroughs.

Concepts and copy by me.



A lot of people don’t know a lot about mortgages—and that’s okay. Guaranteed Rate has your back with these educational videos that break down mortgage terms like a Reddit “Explain Like I’m 5” thread.

I helped the SEO team put together these educational videos for the Guaranteed Rate Resources website with scripts written and edited by me.